
Healthy Populations via Healthy Breasts

In Celebration of World Population Day In our many years of experience and as Thought-Leaders in Breast-Care, Bra-Fitting and Mastectomy-Care, we enjoy taking care of women and girls via the foundation garment as an engine for empowerment and social change.                                                                         Feeding the Future Feeding the Future Having designed and developed comprehensive education models, programs and toolkits to assist with discussions and education surrounding breast health and breast care, we have often sought to incorporate audiences of adolescents, young women, boys and men, in order to begin to truly amplify the voice of women and girls’ (reproductive) health and self care, to ensure that we transcend all age groups and gender barriers (Goal #5). Taking into consideration that girls are the emerging women of our world. Today, on World Population Day, it is a great opportunity to reflect on the importance of healthy breasts

The Breast Solution - Take Two

Author: Nicole Joseph-Chin - CEO and Breast Care Specialist at Ms. Brafit                                                                Loving Our Breasts   Ms. Brafit Website  Taboo, strange and not talked about, it’s an exceptional experience to hear a woman declare the love she has for her breasts. It’s important to fall in love with our breasts by actions such as keeping them in check, doing self-examinations, observing any changes, wearing proper fitting and comfortable bras, keeping hygienic practices and avoiding compression or scarring due to bras that have been outgrown or bought too small. Heart Warming Breasts are close to the heart and so there must be some extra love shown to this heartwarming body part that also provides sustenance for the newborn. Being Diagnosed The diagnosis of breast cancer can evoke many emotions including fear, anxiety, anger and denial. Support comes from many sources and in a lot of cases; women who are diagnosed and treated only h

Honoring Survivors and Celebrating October 2012

Every day, Ms. Brafit spends time honoring breast cancer survivors. In October however, we heighten our actions with our partners and the GIVE BACK is amazing. This October we have been doing our usual education activities and we were able to share our educational material and awareness with the schools at Edufest which is an event hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society. Ms. Brafit at TTCS Edufest 2012 at NAPA  This week, we began the week with our 5th Annual Survivor Breakfast at the Hyatt Trinidad. This is a special event that Ms. Brafit Limited, Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society and the HYATT Trinidad hosts in October. In this our 5th year, we again honored women who have been true survivors in every way. These survivors come from far and wide in Trinidad and Tobago and all feel such pride in sharing experiences in the same room. All courtesy Hyatt Trinidad, TTCS and Ms. Brafit Limited. The entertainment is usually a combination of music and of course fashion, feat

Bridal Tips for a Happy Wedding Day

Dear Bride to Be, Have you yet taken the time to consider your wedding day and the levels of comfort that you will need to have with your underwear? It is always very important to understand that you will spend many hours in your first layer of clothing and the impact that can have is significant to your comfort and your day's enjoyment. I am happy to share some very important news with you today that will make for a happy wedding day, with lovely photographs and long lasting memories. It is important to have a professional bra fitting before you select your bridal gown. Ms. Brafit pays attention to the overall comfort of the bride and our Bridal Fittings are done with many of your wedding day needs in mind. Your Bridal Fitting will give you an idea of the styles of dresses that you can use as well as your limitations to garments that may not be suitable for your body type. Additionally, Ms. Brafit's Bridal Fitting  acts as a good indicator for you to b

Keeping A-Breast and Staying FIT

The debate of what the proper sport bra should look like, still rages on. Discussions abound, yet the solutions seem to be so remote to our comfort. That's because every sport bra has a life of its own and a purpose of its own. So, how do we choose a sport bra? Its not as easy as you think, but its NOT rocket science either. Best suggestion is to set out a time in your schedule for a professional fitting consultation This is critical to making sure that your purchase fits the specific needs for your sporting activity. Do you hike? Do you spin? Do you power walk? Do you jog? Do you do yoga? All these sporting disciplines demand a specific shape of bra because the upper extremities are being used in different ways. Ms. Brafit focuses on what your sporting discipline and what your BODY requires for maximum comfort! The Bra should work for and with YOU and help you to be comfortable as you accomplish your exercise mission. If the bra does not fit well, it de

Comfort in the Workplace

This just being Administrative Professionals Week; Ms. Brafit spent some time with some very special women who in many ways project the typical woman in need of comfort. The days of this special week were spent coaching professional women on their most elusive and critical challenge. Comfort from the First Layer. I want to thank the corporate organizations who made this gift possible and saw the significance of sharing such important and life-changing information with their teams. It was very refreshing to spend the week with lovely women. It was equally lovely to share the stage with Grand Dame of Caribbean Fashion; Ms. Claudia Pegus for one of our teams. I want to especially thank my TEAM who supported all the efforts and to especially thank the staff at Ortinola Estates for their hospitality and their lovely space. Women need to understand the priority that comfort should have in their overall approach to "look good" Try wearing any great outfit without the appropria

The Bra You Deserve

Welcome to our blog. Its been a while, but its also been an interesting time and its been compelling to drop a note today especially to reconnect with you. Its also to explore the thoughts that were expressed in a few sessions which we did this week, which started on Tuesday with a local Women's Group who asked us to drop in on their monthly meeting. Thanks Tricia we enjoyed being there. We also congratulate the winner of our prize draw. I was forced to pose this question provoked by the many varied thoughts and pieces of information that sometimes lead us to make bra purchase decisions. Question - " Just when we think we have found the bra that really suits us, what do we discover ?" We get what we deserve and that is even true about bras which we end up with. The question became more pressing based on insights on how often women should replace their bras. What is seldom taken into consideration is not HOW frequently but WHY we should revamp and review our bra clos